Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

What is this dinosaur? It’s Amphicoelias

I never thought there was a big long neck dinosaur bigger than Brachiosaurs which ever walked on earth. Can you see on this picture, how big this creature compared with human body? The tail length is a half of its full size. Wow, maybe this is the biggest dinosaur which ever lived on earth. With this giant size, it’s impossible for predator to take it as a prey. Let say spinosaurs aegyptiacus as the biggest carnivore for recent research even they live in the different age is put on side of it.


How small spinosaur is compared to Amphicoelias. Moreover, look at those well known herbivore, Stegosaurs. It looks small enough for Amphicoelias and big enough for us. One thing for sure, if we live in the dinosaur’s era absolutely 100% we will not survived in three days. To know more about how this creature lives, it might be seen from the size. Just like the biggest animals now, elephant needs almost two years for pregnancy. So likely, Amphicoelias has the same pregnant period as elephant, maybe more than two years. What is the basic question? What do they eat? “it reminds me about twilight” just like other long neck herbivore dinosaur does, they eat small branch and stone. At this point, I want to share you about all of crikey amazing animals which ever lived on earth.

You’ll be in danger if something scratched your skin

I don’t want to make people fearing something after heard this words. Honesty, you’ll be in danger. Of course if you dive or swim in the wild open sea. You shouldn’t underestimate the sharks sensory. Because they can smell you for about 500 yards, or maybe you still can’t imagine how far it is. Let me help you, if you watch soccer just imagine the measurement of the field because the shark’s ability to smell is about five times of soccer field. Yap, I expect that you have understand now. Then, I want to tell you the smell sensory of shark. Is it because of two small holes on the front edge of shark’s body? if you think yes absolutely those holes help shark to find prey, you have to check it one more time. One super tool which used to detect blood in the water is called Aempulae of Lorenzini. It can detect one per million particles of blood in the water. So the best way to attract shark is scratching your skin until the blood comes out. Then wait until the first shark swim around you. After that let the shark get close to you and then kill you, just kidding. One best way is spill the fish’s blood into wild open sea, now you shouldn’t use your blood. Just wait, there gonna be big great white shark comes to you.

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

As the important weapon of shark, teeth grow on whole shark’s body. Is it true?

Then my answer is yes. But how comes? Yap, as I’ve ever watched on documentary movie, teeth is very important tool for shark to keep alive. As important as its tooth, each of shark’s body parts is meaningful to give it a power. For this part, I want to tell you if teeth grow well on whole shark’s body. Teeth are modified as skin for shark called Dermal dentacles. Dermal dentacless is used for reducing turbulence when shark swims through deep water or seeks their prey just like sea lion. If it’s stroked from front side to back side, it’ll be felt something slippery. But it’ll be felt rough as we do the opposite. Dermal dantacless is looked extremely the same shape as the actual teeth.

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

dua sisi warna kulit yang berbeda HIU???

sebagian besar orang g sadar klo hiu punya dua sisi warna yang beda di tubuhnya. apa sih fungsinya?? fungsi ini sanfat sempurna sekali bagi hiu sebagai karnivora teratas di lautan di samping orca. lihat secara seksama kalo ketemu, pasti ada dua sisi atas dan bawah(perut). bagian atas berwarna lebih gelap dan bagian bawah berwarna sangat terang. kenpa demikian? beberapa ajli berpendapat itulah evolusi yang menciptakan hiu sebagai makhluk lautan terganas yang dapat selamat dari komet besar yang menabrak bumi 65juta tahun yang lalu selain buaya. bagian atas berwarna gelap karena punya fungsi untuk menyatukan warna dengan laut dalam yang berwarna biru sehingga tak akan mudah dilihat ketika dia menyergap mangsanya. karena rat-rat hiu menyerang secara diam-diam dari bawah laut. mangsa juga akan sulit mengenali kalau ada hiu di bawahnya. untuk bagian bawah, juga berfungsi hampir sama. yaitu menyatukan diri pada terangnya cahaya dari permukaan laut. mangsa yang berada di dalam laut bakalan bingung, karna yang tadinya g ada apa2 hrus mati secara mengenaskan..memang, apa yang menarik di sini. ternyata hiu itu emang binatang yang menarik. perfectly designed as a killer....!!CRIKEY

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

kesalahan film Jurassic Park

di film Jurassic Park sbnerny ada beberapa kesalahan yang mngkin terlalu melebih-lebihkan ukuran ataupun bentuk tubuh pada dinosaurus tertentu shg biar keliahatan dia yang kuat. tapi bisa jadi itu pembodohan. setelah dipikir-pikir kenapa ukuran rangka tyranosaurus rex yang asli lebih kecil dibandingin di film Jurassic Park.ternyata memang dibuktikan film itu terlalu melebih-lebihkan sesuai sama penelitian dr universitas manchaster. seperti yang mereka wujudkan tentang raptor di film, pada kenyataanya bentuk yang mereka buat sangat berbeda jauh dengan yang asli. seperti ukuran mereka yang kira2 tiga meter tapi kenyataannya raptor cuman g besar dr ayam kalkun..hahaha.tp emang bner.berbulu, petunjuk raptor berbulu dtemuin di cina..memang udah kerabat dekat bgt sama burung modern...fakta yang hrus diperjelas lg trnyata kuku yang menonjol tu g bs bwt memotong buruan, tp cuman menusuk. salah kaprah..

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

halo, di sini Oki. bisa dibilang terlalu tergila-gila sama yang namanya Alm. Steve Irwin. bagaimana dia melakukan aksinya dengan berbagai jenis binatang yang berbahaya, itu yang buat aku terbawa. bukannya kekanak-kanakan tapi emang ini hal yang teramat serius yang perlu diperhatikan. kelestarian dari hewan-hewan seiring rusaknya ekosistem hutan di mana-mana terus memengaruhi populasi binatang. apa yang akan dipaparkan di sini sebenarnya bukan info tentang pelestarian binatang tetapi mencoba lebih ke arah pengetahuan tentang binatang.
"Thank you" Let you know how they're called as a beautiful and gorgeous creatures in the World.